Friday, July 1, 2011

A dedication On Parents Day In Office

However clichéd it may sound its really true..God created parents because he couldn’t be present to take care of everyone.
I can never thank God enough for giving me such awesome parents who not only gave me life but who left no stone unturned in nurturing me and making me what I am today.
I still remember the time when I started school and my parents made sure that I had the best education not even once thinking of the sacrifices they would have to make for providing me the luxuries of life; the fact that my mother stayed at home and made me the whole focus of her life says what an epitome of sacrifice she I too am a mother but I can never even think of reaching where she has reached; it’s now that I realize that leaving your interests behind and sacrificing your life for the benefit of your children is the most selfless act and at times a thankless one too and it takes a different kind of person to implement it…
As I was growing up…I was never touched by the financial difficulties my parents were going through at those times…..My mother got her umbrella stitched from the cobbler and went around with water dripping from the small hole in the umbrella as I flaunted my new pink raincoat…My father went to work on his old 20 year old scooter while I got a red new brand scooty…..these were sacrifices I was never made aware of..
God has been very kind to me and I have everything that really matters but had it not been for my parents I would have never seen this day..I was provided with the best of education, the freedom to choose my career…the freedom to choose my life partner     
And now when they should be relaxing at this stage in life….their selflessness is seen even now where they look after my son so that I can focus on my work..
I would have been just an existence had they not been around to add colour to my life and teach me the art of living…
To the best parents and to the best people on earth…my goal is one day to be able to be a parent like you..where some day my son will stand up & talk about his parents to a crowd with the same passion and the same love that I have today while talking about you…